Kancho Bandit Admin replied

548 weeks ago


Free Company Rules:

General Rules:
1. Behave like you would in public. We are all adults here; there is no reason to have a list of rules. Any racial slurs, sexual harassment, homophobic comments or drama will not be tolerated.
2. If you have a problem with another member please take it to /tell, and if this fails to resolve the issue please inform an officer, and problems will be handled accordingly. If rules are not followed after one warning you will be removed from the Free Company.
3. If problems arise with other Free Companies please do not take the issue into your own hands – see an officer first! Harassment of members of other free companies or linkshells in public channel is prohibited, this includes shout, say, etc.
4. Any 3rd party applications that give you an unfair advantage over other players are prohibited. In other words no botting or cheating. This will be cause for immediate removal from the free company.

last edited 543 weeks ago by Kancho Bandit

Kancho Bandit Admin replied

543 weeks ago

Raiding Expectations

Know how to efficiently generate hate. Our DD’s do a lot of damage, so you need to be on you’re A game at all times to make sure you don’t lose agro on a boss. Know how to mark mobs if necessary. Self sustainability is key. You are working with your healers as a unit, if the healers are struggling to keep you alive when they are cure bombing you, then you are doing something wrong. If you have questions or need help please ask!

Know proper rotations to maximize DPS. We aren’t elitist douchebags who will be using parsers to check everyone’s dps, but we will call you out if you aren’t performing as well as you could. Remember to ask for help if you need it! We are all here to help each other out.
Know your dps limits. Even the best tanks need time to establish hate, and some mobs in this game has strange threat meters, so please pay attention to your meter and listen to the tank. We don’t want to see you pulling agro just because you can and want to show everyone how amazeballs your dps is. It’s better for the fight to take 20-30seconds longer then to wipe over and over because you want to be on top.

Know proper healing/buff rotations and when to use them. Use quick reflexes to get rid of debuffs asap. Esuna is your friend. Tanks cannot help themselves or others if they are paralyzed, slowed or dead because poison stayed on too long. Help your fellow healers. If you are main tank healer and you see the party healer struggling to keep dps up please help. The point is to win, and we can do that easier if everyone is up and doing as much damage as possible. If you are going OOM or having other issues, please ask for help!

We want to see all our raiders play at peak performance. More often than not, COMMUNICATION is key! If you need help, have questions or need tips please ask. We would be more than happy to help you improve.

General Stuff - related to raiding

Outside of game play we are looking for qualities in members that transcend how “good” you are in game. You can be the best player on the server but if you have a terrible personality, someone who enjoys starting drama; this isn’t the Free Company for you.

Afking in the middle of a raid unless it is an emergency is a no no. We take regular breaks, if you have something you need to do, do it then. If you must go afk, please let us know right away, do not just park yourself in a corner and leave without saying anything to anyone.

Personal responsibility is key. If you mess up, and we all do from time to time, please own up to it. It is understood that some things are unavoidable, but if you get asked to do something different in an effort to make the raid go smoother please listen and do as asked. We are all working toward the same goal, winning.

Be on time! There are 7 other people who are there waiting for you. Don't be that guy. If raid time starts at 8, we are starting at 8, not 8:15 or 8:30. Invites to raids and events go out 15 minutes before start time. Please come to raid fully prepared, gear repaired, food in hand.

Be willing to learn, do not get overly defensive and talk back if someone suggests to you there are areas which you can improve. We are not trying to make you feel bad, but like I said before there is no I in TEAM and we are just trying to make things run as efficiently as possible. There is always room for improvement, from all of us. If you aren't looking for ways to improve your game be it working towards gear melds, learning strategies outside raid time, practicing your rotations and so on then you are only hindering yourself and everyone around you in the long run.

***Please take the time to prepare for fights as more and more strategies become available on youtube and other gaming sites. Our raid leaders don’t need to be explaining the fight week after week. If you don’t know something, ask!***

Get on Mumble regularly if you are in game. It may not be mandatory when we are not raiding but we like to see our members socialize. The more you know about your fellow players the easier our runs will become. Cohesion is key to winning, and we want you to feel like you are part of a real group instead of that guy that just shows up once a week for gear.
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